Things To Consider When Buying Bluetooth-Enabled Hearing Aids

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Hearing aids are helpful devices that can make it easier to hear and understand speech, especially in noisy environments. In recent years, more hearing aids have been designed with Bluetooth technology. This makes them much more convenient to use as they allow users to stream audio directly from their phone or tablet device with ease rather than having to connect the hearing aids directly to speakers via a wire. Read on for information about what makes Bluetooth-enabled hearing aids different, as well as tips on how to make this decision when shopping for your own pair.

Readers who are ready to buy a new pair of digital hearing aids should consider whether or not they’ll need Bluetooth technology included in the device. If so, you should also think about the features that are most important to you and which brands stand out from the rest in these regards. It’s important that you get your money’s worth and purchase devices that will meet your unique needs…

What to Look for When Buying Bluetooth Hearing Aids

There are many different features that Bluetooth hearing aids can include, but there are a few that you should keep in mind as you shop for your pair. When you’re considering different models, it’s important to consider what kind of connectivity options are included and whether or not they’re compatible with your phone. A convenient remote control is also a nice feature to have and can make it easier to adjust volume, select programs, and switch audio inputs without having to touch the hearing aids themselves.

Bluetooth devices are also usually compatible with other Bluetooth devices, which can be helpful if you want to connect the hearing aids to multiple devices at once. It’s also important to consider battery life when purchasing hearing aids with Bluetooth. Most devices will come with a rechargeable battery that needs to be charged regularly, but some can also use standard batteries as a backup when recharging isn’t an option. Hearing aids with rechargeable batteries don’t last as long as those with standard batteries, but they’re often smaller and more convenient to use on a daily basis.

Which Brands Offer Bluetooth Hearing Aids?

There are many different brands that offer hearing aids with Bluetooth technology, but it’s important to research the different models to find the best one for your needs. If you’re shopping for a pair of new hearing aids, it’s important to consider which brands offer Bluetooth hearing aids. Here are a few brands to consider if this is important to you.

  • audibene – audibene has been a leader in the hearing aid industry since the 1950s, and they offer a wide range of digital hearing aids with various features. Their most advanced models include Bluetooth technology and are designed to be discreet and easy to use.
  • Bose – Bose is a well-known manufacturer of high-quality audio equipment, and they also offer a few digital hearing aids with Bluetooth functionality. These models are top-of-the-line and designed to offer exceptional sound quality and functionality.
  • Oticon – Oticon is a leading manufacturer of hearing aids and other assistive devices, and they offer a range of Bluetooth-enabled devices. These models are designed for all types of users, including those who have more extreme hearing loss and others who have more complex needs.
  • Widex – Widex is another popular brand and manufacturer of hearing aids, and they offer a few Bluetooth-enabled models. These devices are designed for all types of users and are especially helpful for people who have mild to moderate hearing loss.
  • Starkey – Starkey is another leading brand in the industry, and they offer a variety of hearing aids with Bluetooth technology. These models are designed for all types of users and can be purchased at a wide range of price points.
  • Phonak – Phonak is another popular brand and manufacturer of hearing aids, and they offer a wide range of digital devices with Bluetooth technology. Their products are designed to be easy to use and can be programmed to meet individual needs.
  • Siemens – Siemens is a company that offers a variety of hearing aids with Bluetooth functionality. Their devices are designed for all types of users and come in a range of price points.
  • Widexus – Widexus is a relatively new brand in the industry, but they offer a few digital hearing aids with Bluetooth functionality. These models are designed for all types of users and can be programmed to meet individual needs.

When to Go with Wireless Hearing Aids?

Wireless hearing aids don’t necessarily offer better sound quality or functionality than other types of hearing aids, but they do offer increased convenience in some situations. If you’re an active person who spends a lot of time in the great outdoors or you spend a lot of time around loud machinery at work, you may find that a pair of wireless hearing aids suits your needs better than a wired pair. If you want to be able to move around more freely without getting tangled in wires, you may prefer wireless hearing aids. If you travel frequently and want to be able to take your devices with you without having to connect them to a charger, wireless hearing aids may be a good option for you.

Things to Know Before You Buy

Because Bluetooth-enabled hearing aids are a relatively new technology, it’s important to do your research before you buy a pair. If you’re buying a new pair of digital hearing aids, you’ll want to make sure that they are Bluetooth-enabled and compatible with your phone or other devices. You may also want to ask your audiologist if it’s possible to add Bluetooth functionality to your existing hearing aids or if they can recommend a brand or device they think will work best for you. It’s also important to remember that while Bluetooth hearing aids are convenient, they are not as discreet as other types of devices. Bluetooth devices are larger and more visible, which means that they’re not as well-suited to people with mild hearing loss.

Durability is Important

Durability is an important factor to keep in mind when purchasing new hearing aids, and it’s especially important to keep in mind when buying Bluetooth devices. Because these devices need to be able to connect to your phone, tablet, and other electronic devices, they may be more susceptible to damage than other types of devices. If you’re buying a Bluetooth device, it’s important to make sure that it’s built to last. Look for models that are water-resistant and have an IP rating, and make sure to read reviews to find out if other users have had issues with the device breaking or malfunctioning over time.


Hearing aids are helpful devices that can make it easier to hear and understand speech, especially in noisy environments. In recent years, more hearing aids have been designed with Bluetooth technology. This makes them much more convenient to use as they allow users to stream audio directly from their phone or tablet device with ease rather than having to connect the hearing aids directly to speakers via a wire. When you’re buying new hearing aids, it’s important to consider which models include Bluetooth functionality. You can also ask your audiologist if they can add Bluetooth functionality to your existing hearing aids.