The Dos and Don’ts of SEO for Medical Experts

In today’s digital world, it is more important than ever to have a strong online presence. Having an SEO strategy in place will help medical experts rank higher on search engines like Google, Bing, and Yahoo. This means that potential clients can find you more easily and at a faster rate. This article covers some brief advice on how medical professionals can improve their SEO and get found online by their target audience. Read on to discover the dos and don’ts of expert search engine optimization (SEO) for medical experts.

Do: Create a Solid Content Marketing Strategy

First and foremost, experts should get a clear understanding of their target audience. This means that you should know who you are trying to reach and the position that you want to claim in the market. Experts need to know what their readers want in order to provide them with high-quality content. Once you understand your audience, you can create a solid content marketing strategy. This should outline how you want to engage with your audience, what type of content you want to create, and where you want to distribute it. This is a crucial part of any SEO strategy and it can make or break any campaign. Consider the following while creating your content marketing strategy:

  • What is your core message?
  • What do you want your audience to walk away with after reading your content?
  • What is the purpose of your content?
  • What are you trying to achieve with each piece of content?
  • Where will you distribute your content?
  • Which publications, websites, and social media platforms would be beneficial for you to be featured on?
  • Who will you be collaborating with?
  • Which experts and companies would be a great addition to your content?
  • What types of content would be most beneficial for your audience?
  • Is there a type of content that tends to perform better than others?
  • What is the best publishing schedule for your content?
  • What is your budget for content creation and promotion?

Don’t: Rely Solely on Paid Advertising

Many experts believe that paying for advertising is part of their SEO strategy. However, relying solely on paid advertising is a big mistake. While it can be useful when combined with other expert SEO strategies, paid advertising is not a reliable long-term strategy. What if your budget suddenly runs out? What if the advertisements stop producing results? What if you have to move campaigns to other countries? What if you want to change your target audience? It is easy to lose control when you rely solely on paid advertising. Instead, experts should focus on creating quality content that people want to engage with and share. This will lead to a more lasting and effective campaign.

Do: Utilize Rich Media in Your Content

Combining rich media such as graphs, charts, images, and videos into your content is another great way to boost your SEO. If you want to improve your expert SEO by using rich media, be sure to include keywords in your graphs and charts. Experts can also choose to create their own infographics. This is a great visual way to present data and information to your audience. When including images and graphs within your content, make sure that they are related to the topic being discussed. For example, let’s say that you are an expert in pediatric dentistry. You could write an article that talks about the common oral health problems that children face and how they can be treated. At the end of your article, you could include an image of teeth with cavities and broken teeth.

Don’t: Forget About Video Content

Many experts forget about the power of video content when creating an SEO strategy. However, video content can be a great way to boost your SEO. If you can create a video that is truly valuable, your audience will share it. This increases your exposure and helps you rank higher in the search engine results. Experts can choose to create educational videos, product reviews, and more. If you are interested in creating videos for your site, be sure to use high-quality equipment. Poor-quality videos can actually result in a lower ranking. This is because Google’s algorithm takes many different factors into account when determining what to rank higher. Another important thing to consider when creating videos is your script. Make sure that every word is central to your message. Videos may take more time and effort to create, but they are well worth it.

Do: Use Expert-approved Keywords in Your Content

When writing your content, use keywords that your target audience is searching for. This will help you optimize your expert SEO strategy. You can find these keywords using various online tools. There are websites that can help you determine the best keywords for your content. Remember that the keywords you select should be relevant to your content. They should also be words that your audience is likely to search for. Researching the best keywords to use for your content will help you immensely in your SEO strategy.

Don’t: Bump Up Keywords Based on Word Count

Many experts bump up their keywords based solely on word count. This is a big mistake and can actually have a negative impact on your SEO. Instead of choosing the words that have a low search volume, experts should pick keywords with a high search volume. They can then write several different pieces of content with that keyword in mind. For example, let’s say that you have decided to create content on children’s dental hygiene. You have narrowed it down to the word “dental hygiene,” which has a search volume of 6,400 per month. You could, however, decide to bump it up to 10,000 words. While the keyword “dental hygiene” has a low search volume, “dental hygiene for children” has a higher search volume of 14,300 per month. You could create one article that is 2,600 words long and another that is 8,700 words long. While this may seem like a lot of work, it pays off in the end.

Do: Ensure That Your Website is Well-coded and User-friendly

When creating your website, be sure that it is well-coded. Otherwise, you may have problems with your expert SEO strategy. A website that is not well-coded may take longer to load, which can affect your ranking. When your website is not user-friendly, readers and potential clients may not stay on your site for a significant amount of time. This can also negatively impact your ranking. Ensure that your website is well-coded and user-friendly. This will help people find and use your site with ease. It will also help you boost your expert SEO strategy.

Don’t: Forget About Mobile Users

When creating your website, ensure that it is mobile-friendly. If your site is not mobile-friendly, Google may penalize you and your expert SEO strategy will suffer. When creating your website, make sure to take into account the fact that many people use mobile devices to search for information. You can do this by making sure that your content and images are easily viewable on smaller devices. You can test whether or not your website is mobile-friendly. You can do this by typing in the URL of your website followed by “/mobile”. If it loads properly and is viewable on your mobile device, you have successfully created a mobile-friendly site.


As you can see from this article, there are many ways that you can improve your expert SEO strategy. By creating high-quality content, utilizing rich media, and making sure that your website is user-friendly and well-coded, you can boost your exposure online. If you are an expert in any field, it is important to make sure that you get found online. This is the easiest way for you to build a strong reputation and grow your business.