How to Stop Neck Pain: Tips and Advice To Help You Get Better

Ever felt like you have a case of neck pain? You’re not alone. According to a report by the National Survey of Hands-on Activities, nearly 60 percent of Americans say they often experience neck pain. A case of neck pain is almost always the result of an underlying and often chronic muscle imbalance or an impingement of the nerve. These causes can cause intense and constant pain at the base of your neck and in the upper arms and shoulders. The good news is that neck pain is usually a symptom of something else that is going on in your life. The bad news is that this symptom is almost always a sign that you need to make some changes in your life. If you are looking for tips and advice to help you get better from neck pain, keep reading below.

Try These Tips Before You Hit The Gym

When you’re experiencing neck pain, it’s important to do everything you can to prevent it from reoccurring. The most effective practices for preventing and managing neck pain are outlined below.

  • Reduce Your Desk Work – If you spend most of your day hunched over a computer or a phone, you may be setting yourself up for chronic pain. Invest in a good ergonomic keyboard and chair, and take frequent breaks from the keyboard and mouse.
  • Reduce Your Sleeping Schedule – While we need to sleep, serious pain often occurs at night. Many people with neck pain actually report that their pain is particularly severe in the morning hours. If you are experiencing pain in the morning, try shifting your sleep schedule a few hours earlier.
  • Try Gentle Exercise – Be careful with exercise. If you don’t work with a professional who can help you find the right program, you should always avoid doing anything that causes you pain. You don’t want to make the problem worse.
  • Lower Your Stress Level – It’s important to keep stress levels under control. When you’re under a lot of pressure, your body releases a chemical called cortisol. It suppresses immune function, tissue repair, and pain tolerance.

Make The Most Of Your Day

While you may be hoping to recover from your neck pain as soon as possible, you also need to make the most of your day. Chronic pain can be a significant challenge. It can take away your mobility, make you more prone to injury, and create a significant amount of emotional stress. To maintain your energy levels, make sure to take frequent breaks from your desk and bed. You can also make use of the tools that are available to help you manage your pain. Many people find that using a pain pump, like a brace or a pillow that provides pressure relief, is helpful.

Find An Appropriate Therapist

A skilled therapist can help you get better from neck pain. A physical therapist can work with you to develop an appropriate fitness plan and reduce pain while you exercise. A cognitive-behavioral therapist may be able to help you identify the patterns that are contributing to your pain and develop a proven action plan to address them. If you are struggling with emotional stress, a therapist can work with you to reduce the stress that is causing your pain. A skilled therapist can help you make the most of your day and help you thrive in spite of your pain.

Get Comfortable With Sanding

If you are experiencing chronic neck pain, it’s possible that you have one of the underlying causes outlined above. This means that you may need to do some serious home treatment. If you have an impingement of the nerve, you may need to surgically remove the affected bone to allow for optimal nerve function. If you have a muscle imbalance, you may need to sand the affected muscles to create a more favorable muscle ratio. If you are experiencing chronic pain from a muscle imbalance or an impingement of the nerve, you may need to do some home treatment. Sanding and massage can help to reduce pain and create space for the nerve to move freely.

Stay Flexible And Strong

Flexibility is an important part of any program designed to heal from chronic pain. Working with a physical therapist to develop a flexible program is a great way to improve your range of motion. A program of strengthening exercises can help to break up scar tissue and re-create a more efficient nerve. Your muscle imbalance can be caused by any number of things. It is possible that you may have developed a muscle imbalance as a result of your neck pain. It is also possible that you developed a muscle imbalance before your neck pain began. Strong muscles can be very important in maintaining a healthy nerve. If your nerve has been impinged or compressed by scar tissue, a strong muscle can help to correct the issue.

Find A Good Neck Pain Doctor

A neck pain doctor or an orthopedic surgeon, if you prefer has been helping to heal people with back and neck problems for so long. They are some of the most experienced practitioners in the field of neck and back pain. They are skilled at helping to identify and correct the underlying cause of your pain. An orthopedic doctor can provide you with a thorough and comprehensive evaluation of your neck pain and develop an effective treatment plan. If you are suffering from chronic pain, a good neck pain doctor may be able to identify the cause of your pain and help you to develop an action plan for recovery.


If you have been experiencing severe and persistent neck pain, the odds are that it is related to some sort of dysfunction. Fortunately, you can get better. Read the tips and advice provided above to help you get started.